Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When going to a nature reserve and the beach...

... Don't take anything except for pictures, don't leave anything behind except for footprints.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A fun family activity!

I was at Pasir Ris Park a few day ago on a rainy day and guess what I found? Some of nature's treasures:

Can you spot the crab on the mudhill? You can have lots of fun trying to spot these shy creatures! If you are lucky, you may even see the mud lobsters, which are the creators of these 'mudhills'.

I was wondering why this tree has lots of dead leaves hanging from its branches... Then I spotted the parents! These are actually cocoons!

Can you see the daddy moth? (Do you know how to tell the difference between a moth and a butterfly?) Mummy's just behind him.

I am so lucky so see a rainbow! Do you know how rainbows are formed?
Along the way, I also spotted many many earthworms! Why are they out of their burrows when it rain?

Families can so much fun going on these cool outings with your kids. These definitely cannot be replaced by the books or television. (and asking your kids these questions. You can find the answers very easily on the internet. Let me know if you cannot find the answers.).
Be very observant about the surroundings and you can spot many nature's wonders. It's important to protect this fragile eco system, before it disappears!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Earth Hour

What Earth hour is all about:

It happens tomorrow, 26 March 2011, at 8:30pm. Switch off your lights for an hour to experience it.

Of course, an hour is just the start! Look around the house and see there's any electric appliance that you can switch off to save energy whenever you don't need them. Mother Earth needs your help and it can start with you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kids can learn to be green!

Starting from young to save the Earth! Earthquake in Japan infects the whole world with Tsunami warnings...time for everyone to pitch their efforts towards saving our Mother Earth.

You can start them of at http://www.kidsforsavingearth.org/

Monday, March 21, 2011

A fun planting activity (and it's green too!)

Planting can be very fruitful (sorry for the pun) and educational activity for the family. The type of fruits/plant depends on the space that you have. Some suggestions of plants that you can grow are (and in order of space needed):
  • Chilli
  • Lime
  • Mango

Chilli plants grow into small to medium sized bushes from half a metre to two metres tall. How big they get depends on the species and variety. My grandma used to have one that's like 1 foot tall of chilli padi variety that she grew in a pot.

Chilli likes the warm environment and don't mind humidity so it's great in Singapore!

There's lots of different kind of seeds that you can purchase from flower shops to grow on your own! Check them out and send in your photos of your latest green project to us!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What have we done to be green

We try to reduce waste at our parties as well! For instance, the balloons we use are biodegradable. Paper products used in the show, that are to be thrown away, are put in the recycling bin instead.

We feel that teaching our kids to be green, we are also teaching them responsibility. We hope every mum and dad inculcate that green movement into our next generation!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to be Green party guests

You can be green when attending birthday parties too. Here's some suggestions:
  1. RSVP. This helps the host know how many guests are coming and book food enough for their guests
  2. Ask the host if there's anything that they need, instead of buying items that they may not need.
  3. Minimise wrapping or even go without the wrapping! You can also use old magazine papers to wrap and it can turn out to be very artistic!
  4. Use only 1 set of utensils during the party if disposable are used. You can label your cup. Use either the spoon or fork for the food. Do you really need the straw?
  5. Throw the invites into the recycling bins, which can be found in almost every estate.

Have a great party!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to be Green during parties

You can be green when you organise a party. Here are some ideas:
  • Recycling birthday banners (Don't buy those with age listed).
  • Use recyclable decorations the foil balloons.
  • Don't use disposable utensils.
  • If you use disposables, write your names on utensils so you don't take multiples ones.
  • Use e-invites (Good news, we are developing e-invites exclusively for our clients to use)
  • Give useful items like stationary in your goodies bags, instead of things like noise makers.
  • Order just enough food by getting RSVPs, to reduce food wastage.

Let us know if you any other ideas!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Learning about Protecting the Environment through Magic

Mr Bottle has created an act in which is featured in his Imagine Magic Show.
  • He turns paper into a new newspaper to show that you can recycle paper.
  • Child tries his best to throw paper into recycling bin. Mr Bottle wants to tell everyone that you must make an effort to recycle things.
  • Paper that kids drop into the recycling bin turns to money. This is to show that if you recycle, you not only save the environment, it helps save money as well!
  • The recycling bin eventually becomes full of money.

The people at NEA love it!

We are developing the whole show to spread the word! Email us if you are interested to book this show!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Robot Making Workshop

This is a great activities for family and kids:
Objective: To creatively turn recycled materials into useful items/art piece
Materials Needed: Old Chopsticks, Rough Paper, Egg cartons,Scissors, White glue, Plastic grocery bag, old Cardboard boxes, and anything that you can collect to recycle.

Start the activity by asking the kids to collect items that the family are about to throw away. Collect items that you and the kids think will be useful in making robots. Use phrases like "Does this look like a robot's hand? What can we do with this box?" You can suggest ideas like, "perhaps you can use this box to be the secret compartment where your robot hides his special suction gun."
Once you have enough of the items, try to piece them together using glue! Encourage your child to be creative. Paint the robot to the colour that you want! That's it!
Personally, it's the process of collecting the items that is fun and meaningful for the kids. Enjoy!

Friday, March 4, 2011

March Holiday Programme

Since it's almost March Holidays, there's lots of activities around Singapore for our kids! Here's one free programme that is really interesting!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Earth Day is coming

"We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

Coming this 26 March, it will be Earth Day. In the next few weeks, we will show how you and your kids can help do your little part to help mother nature.

One of our founders, Kien, has created a culture in the office to save paper as well as reducing waste.
  • We don't print our emails unless necessary

  • We started payment via credit cards to reduce envelopes and cheque.
  • We print our documents on rough paper if we do not need formal ones.
  • We have a recycling box in the office for paper. (Unfortunately our building doesn't have recycling bin yet so every other month, Kien will bring the box to the nearest recycling point for recycling. We tried to talk to the management to provide one, unfortunately they say no vendors wanted to collect them!)
  • We switch off the lights when we go for lunch!
  • Kien usually cycles or take public transport to work

You can do your part too for the environment; every little step can make a difference to the world.

Just a little background on Kien in his enviromental pursues; he was the Chairperson of NUSSU SAVE (Students Against Violation of the Earth) in his university years and organised activities such as the breaking the Guinness World Record of making the Biggest Sheet of Recycled Paper. He was also in the founding committee of Youth Environment Network. He also represented Singapore in several youths seminars and conferences about the environment.

Until next time....